my Press Room empowered by three Cs


deTour 2020今年のテーマは「Matter of Life」


香港のデザイン・イベント「deTour 2020」が11月27日から12月6日まで、中環(Central)の「元創方(PMQ)」(35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong TEL 2870 2335)にて開催されます。
今年のテーマは「Matter of Life (設計本源)」。

「deTour」は2004年から「設計営商周(Business of Design Week:BoDW)」の一環として始まり、過去には中環の域多利監獄(Victoria Prison)などを使うなど、これまでも香港内各所の店やイベントスペースなどで個性豊かに毎年開催しています。

Matter of Life
We believe that the ability to design is something that makes us uniquely human. It is a practice of realizing our imagination and a reflection of our way of thinking.
Design is ubiquitous—it helps construct the fabric of our communication and has shaped how we exist as a species. It clothes our body and gives us our cultural identities, provides spaces of shelter, determines the substance we put into our mouth and keeps us alive.
Everything manmade has been designed, hence everything can be redesigned.
In a world of constant change and uncertainties, designers are finding themselves confronted with some fundamental questions: What is design? What are its functions?
Have we been doing it right? Does our design advocate honesty and goodness? What kind of role does design play in the midst of an ongoing slew of crises? And at the end of the day, does design matter?
As patterns of life are being disrupted, values we uphold are challenged, it becomes an existential need for us to reexamine everything we know and do.
Through a series of explorations, deTour 2020 hopes to deepen this global discussion by bringing together local and international designers to share and exhibit,
to exchange views, and to celebrate the act of design and creativity.

About deTour
PMQ主催、クリエイト香港(香港特別行政区政府)後援の「deTour」は、香港で毎年開催するデザインの祭典であり、国内外のデザイナーやクリエイティブな才能の作品やアイデアを称えています。地元と国際的なデザインコミュニティをつなぐdeTour は、展示、ワークショップ、デザインダイアログ、討論会、ネットワーキングイベントなど様々なプログラムで構成され、一般の人々とデザインの専門家のいずれもが様々な観点からデザインを体験できる機会を提供しています。

About PMQ